Memorable highlights and sayings from 2007
January Quote: Scott and I were in the car with Cassidy. I was complaining about how tired I had been. It didn't seem to matter if I slept 4 hours or 8 hours, I always felt tired. Cassidy who had been relatively quiet up till this point pipes up and says, "maybe you are going through menopause." Scott and I started laughing and then Cassidy admitted she didn't even know what that meant, she had just heard it in "Father the Bride II". (by they way, we believe it is due to sleep apnea, not menopause!)

February Highlight: Hosting two BYU Young Ambassadors in our home for a couple days while they performed in the Portland area.
February Quote: After rushing to find Will's shoes before leaving to run errands he tells me, "Before we go to heaven, we need to remember to put our shoes on too."

March Highlight: Watching Karsyn take 1st place "All Around" at her gymnastics meet.
March Quote: After arguing with Will in the car, I told Layton to apologize to his brother. Layton then said a "sorry" through gritted teeth. That didn't qualify as an apology to Will because he said, "That didn't count - he said 'sorry' real a Robber!"
April Highlight: Grandma and Grandpa Stewart came out to visit with us and we went to the Tulip Gardens.
April Quote: While walking with Will into the Elementary school he noticed our shadows. He then went on to tell me that my shadow looked like Elvis!
May Highlight: Layton got to be one of the leading roles in his private kindergarten's spring music
May Quote: I went out to Utah for my annual "Girls Scrap Weekend" leaving Scott in charge of the kids. When Karsyn found out I was leaving Scott in charge she yelled in a panic, "What will we eat? Dad only knows how to cook on that outside oven"!
June Quote: Scott talking to Will says, "You know I love you Will?" Will replies that he knows. Scott then asks, "Why do I love you?" and Will answers without a moments hesitation, "Because I am such a cute boy".
July Quote: Will asked me while driving in the car (because we are always driving in the car), "Mom, is dad more handsomer than me?" I then explained to him that no, he was just as handsome, in fact, he looks exactly like his daddy. Then he went on to ask, "Then why did you marry him and not me?"
August Quote: While trying to wash Will's face he told me to stop, he didn't want his face clean. He said he didn't like the color of his face when it was clean. When I asked him what color that was he replied, "It is shiny, and I don't like the color shiny."
September Quote: Driving home from pre-school Will asked me if I wanted to hear him count to 100. I said, "you bet!" Then Will said, "Well, I'm going to need some other peoples fingers then."
October Highlight: Layton had been wanting a "boys night" with Will and Dad. His only stipulation was that they make something. He really wanted to whittle a branch from our backyard into a toy but Scott wasn't too excited about that. So I found a kit that let the boys dig for and find dinosaur bones.
October Quote: I for some reason went a little crazy decorating
November Quote: While driving with Karsyn we passed some Presidential Ad signs. She asked what they were. I explained they had a man's name on them that is running for Pres. She then replied in surprise, "You mean George Washington isn't President anymore?" I then reassured her that George Washington indeed was not Pres. anymore, and hadn't been for quite some time.
December Quote: Layton asks when he can go to "ranches" classes. Apparently he associates fences with ranches because what he really wants to do is take "fencing" classes.
What a wonderful way to journal!
Now I need to let everyone that I send Christmas cards to, know all of your blog sites so they can enjoy them as well. O.K. maybe they won't love them as much as I do, but they should!