USDF Lagoon Day
The first day of Education Week always corresponds with USDF (Utah Down Syndrome Foundation) Day at Lagoon. This has become one of the kids favorite summer traditions. USDF offers a BOGO admission fee and we love to go with all the aunts, uncles and cousins in support of my sweet (and sometimes sour!) little niece Morgan. It was especially nice this year since the highs only reached 76 degrees. The kids were all really brave this year. Karsyn, despite the fact that she can do flips on a raised 6 inch beam, is such a whimp! We usually divide the kids into three groups: the big kids (scary rides), the middle kids (medium rides) and the small kids (kiddie-land). This is the first year Karsyn went with the big kids, the group she belongs in. She was so proud of herself for going on all the biggest rides. I went with the middle group which included Layton, Will and Cameron. They were also proud of themselves for going on the original Roller Coaster. Even the biggest kids of all, Scott, Gavin and Jamie pushed their limits! They went on the Sky Coaster at the very end of the night. This is a human free-fall pendulum drop from 150 feet!
Kennedy and Cassidy did the Sky Coaster ride last year and were thrilled when their dad offered to pay for them to go again this year. They also talked their two cousins, Jack and Ryan into doing it with them. Cassidy and Jack went first, then Kennedy and Ryan. The three men all went together. Of course, the more weight on the rope, the farther and higher you swing! Scott was excited to give it a go, Jamie was calm as a cucumber but Gavin was another story!